Treinamentos Oficiais Oracle - ONLINE

Em meio a correria do dia a dia, não é tarefa fácil na vida de um DBA, achar uma agenda para realizar treinamentos . Porém o constante aprendizado e aprimoramento é fundamental para o desenvolvimento profissional.

Para facilitar nossa vida, a Oracle está oferecendo treinamentos online (Live Web Classes – LWC,Live Virtual classes – LVC and Training On-Demand course or Unlimited Learning Subscription), disponibilizando material de estudo e um laboratório para prática das atividades.

O custo é praticamente o mesmo para os treinamentos realizados fisicamente, porém com a vantagem de flexibilização do estudo no caso dos treinamentos On-Demand, no qual o treinamento fica disponível por um período de 90 dias podendo ser acessado a qualquer hora de qualquer lugar.

Outra vantagem que posso destacar é que esta modalidade de treinamento é valida para obter a certificação (ex OCP,

"Candidates must complete one of the instructor-led in-class, online , or recorded courses below (includes Live Web Classes – LWC,Live Virtual classes – LVC and Training On-Demand course or Unlimited Learning Subscription) to obtain this certification. Self-Study CDs are excellent study and reference tools but DO NOT meet the course requirement for certification."

Segue o link com a grade de cursos e preços:

Oracle University Training Formats

Choose the training format that works best with your learning style and schedule.

Training On Demand (TOD):
You train online by watching recorded courses - anytime, anywhere. Access streaming lectures 24/7. TOD courses include whiteboarding and lab activities, with the ability to search video, pause or rewind. Courses are made available on a named user basis for a term of ninety (90) days from the effective date of your order.
Classroom Training:
You train in person at an Oracle or partner facility. Includes in-class demonstrations and hands-on labs.
Live Virtual Class (LVC):
You watch live classes as they're happening, in real-time, from anywhere with an Internet connection. Oracle University Instructors teach live students in a "virtual" classroom; you attend these courses online. Includes demonstrations and hands-on labs.
Self-Study Courses (SSC):
You can train when and where you want, at your own pace. You'll receive a username and password to download these courses online and take them from your computer.
